CrMS & NaPro
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) -
Teaches a woman or couple to identify the naturally fertile and infertile days in her cycle. The couple can then use this information to plan or avoid pregnancy naturally, without using any synthetic or harsh chemicals. This system is based on decades of research, and has a 99.6% method effectiveness and a 96.8% typical use effectiveness to avoid pregnancy. This same method also has a very high degree of effectiveness in achieving pregnancy. To learn more about the Creighton Model System, which was developed by the Saint Paul VI Institute, click here.
Natural Procreative Technology (NaProTechnology or NaPro) -
Is a new women’s reproductive health science which seeks to identify the underlying root causes of problems, and restore the natural functions of the woman’s body and fertility in cooperation with the body’s design and natural function. NaPro-trained Medical Consultants can use the standardized charting of the Creighton Model as a tool to identify indicators of problems. From there, the root cause of the issue can be identified and appropriate treatments for restoring natural function to the woman’s body can be implemented. To learn more about NaProTechnology and the effectiveness of NaPro treatment vs. other mainstream medical approaches to fertility care, click here.